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Modal window

You have at your disposal a jQuery script to display modal windows like the one you are reading.
The implementation is simple :
  • write the link :
    <a class="gypoplight" href="#?w=560&amp;rel=popup1&amp;btn=Close&amp;msk=msk=skins/skin5_guppy2015/">The link text</a>
    w=500 indicates the width of the window
    rel=popup1 popup1 is the name of the id of the div container
    btn=Close contains the text of the tooltips button closure

    msk=msk=skins/skin5_02/ indicates the skin directory for the button image
  • write the content in a layer with the appropriate classes :
    <div class="gypopup_block" id="popup1">  .... The content to display ... </div>
You can include any type of content, text and images.

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News of Friends - FreeGuppY

GuppY CMS Portail WEB php gratuit sans BDD

GuppY: the easy and free web portal that requires no database to run

GuppY 6.00.19 release - Security update - by Papinou 26/08/2024 @ 17:00 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.19 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 131th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.19 with additions, improvements and corrections,and the correction of a vulnerability.
Thanks to Sébastien TRAPE of for reporting this incident.

Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2


  • PHPMAILER version 6.9.1 update,
  • Statistical correction to the display of monthly user views,
  • Newsletter correction,
  • Addition of search criteria with document type choices,
  • Email address password encryption for SMTP settings,
  • SMTP log activation or if necessary with a retention period,
  • Config/services Firewall tab Banning enabled,
  • Security: introduction of a ban on bots and code injections,
  • Administration new Security tab,
  • Log display containing Bots and Spam with information on whether they have been detected (blocked) or not, depending on the definitions entered, number of hosts and IPs logged,
  • Diagnostics for adding and modifying banning rules,
  • Ban log and retention time settings,
  • Entering ban definitions,
  • View of the ban diaries,
  • Error 406 taken into account in error.php and error403.php,
  • Improved online help for administration functions,
  • Cleansing of archives,
  • Displays the contents of SMTP logs,
  • Customise file languages plus according to the languages selected in General configuration,
  • Correction of secondary page management (add, modify, delete), Config Look settings,
  • Modification of rights allocations and correction,
  • Enhanced control of input zones (code injections),
  • File upload correction,
  • Photos management: addition of a display order number, possibility of uploading videos,
  • Display photos: set parameters to sort by order number or by the name of the photo in a gallery, with the corresponding accordingly, 
  • Correction in Photo management (admin) gallery selection,
  • Various corrections,

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.18 to 6.00.19, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

  • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
  • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display, to Config services/Supervision you must enter your email password in both fields before saving the configuration,
  • to Security, you need to record the definitions and banning rules,
  • to General administration/Employee management you need to add the new fields and register the rights for each employee,
  • Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again. 

Finally, please read the help on the configuration of definitions and ban parameters. You activate the receipt of rejection notices by email, you will need to monitor the reception of emails, as several hundred emails can arrive in a few minutes.

Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY 6.00.19 release - Security update - by Papinou 26/08/2024 @ 17:00 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.19 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 131th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.19 with additions, improvements and corrections,and the correction of a vulnerability.
Thanks to Sébastien TRAPE of for reporting this incident.

Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2


  • PHPMAILER version 6.9.1 update,
  • Statistical correction to the display of monthly user views,
  • Newsletter correction,
  • Addition of search criteria with document type choices,
  • Email address password encryption for SMTP settings,
  • SMTP log activation or if necessary with a retention period,
  • Config/services Firewall tab Banning enabled,
  • Security: introduction of a ban on bots and code injections,
  • Administration new Security tab,
  • Log display containing Bots and Spam with information on whether they have been detected (blocked) or not, depending on the definitions entered, number of hosts and IPs logged,
  • Diagnostics for adding and modifying banning rules,
  • Ban log and retention time settings,
  • Entering ban definitions,
  • View of the ban diaries,
  • Error 406 taken into account in error.php and error403.php,
  • Improved online help for administration functions,
  • Cleansing of archives,
  • Displays the contents of SMTP logs,
  • Customise file languages plus according to the languages selected in General configuration,
  • Correction of secondary page management (add, modify, delete), Config Look settings,
  • Modification of rights allocations and correction,
  • Enhanced control of input zones (code injections),
  • File upload correction,
  • Photos management: addition of a display order number, possibility of uploading videos,
  • Display photos: set parameters to sort by order number or by the name of the photo in a gallery, with the corresponding accordingly, 
  • Correction in Photo management (admin) gallery selection,
  • Various corrections,

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.18 to 6.00.19, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

  • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
  • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display, to Config services/Supervision you must enter your email password in both fields before saving the configuration,
  • to Security, you need to record the definitions and banning rules,
  • to General administration/Employee management you need to add the new fields and register the rights for each employee,
  • Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again. 

Finally, please read the help on the configuration of definitions and ban parameters. You activate the receipt of rejection notices by email, you will need to monitor the reception of emails, as several hundred emails can arrive in a few minutes.

Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

(26/08/2024 17:00)

GuppY 6.00.18 release - by Papinou 11/02/2024 @ 16:14 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.18 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 130th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.18 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • Correction of CK Editor alert display
  • Data correction for iframe
  • Correction for migration from 5 to 6
  • Font-Awesome 6.5.1 update

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.17 to 6.00.18, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

  • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
  •  then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.
  • Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again. 

To finish, add /install/correctiondata.php to the url of your site, press "Enter" to execute and all your documents containing an iframe will be corrected automatically. All browsers except Firefox block the display of iframes, this correction the display returns to normal.


Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY 6.00.18 release - by Papinou 11/02/2024 @ 16:14 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.18 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 130th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.18 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • Correction of CK Editor alert display
  • Data correction for iframe
  • Correction for migration from 5 to 6
  • Font-Awesome 6.5.1 update

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.17 to 6.00.18, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

  • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
  •  then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.
  • Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again. 

To finish, add /install/correctiondata.php to the url of your site, press "Enter" to execute and all your documents containing an iframe will be corrected automatically. All browsers except Firefox block the display of iframes, this correction the display returns to normal.


Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

(11/02/2024 16:14)

GuppY 6.00.17 release - by Papinou 23/01/2024 @ 16:30 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.17 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 129th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.17 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • password control corrections
  • Integration of the avif image type provided that it is in Php 8
  • Integration and automatic detection of OPcache Hosting
  • Integration of OPcache management
  • Correction and integration of the Captcha in case of reopening of a forum post
  • tarteaucitron Utf-8 encoding

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.16 to 6.00.17, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.

      Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again.

      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY 6.00.17 release - by Papinou 23/01/2024 @ 16:30 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.17 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 129th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.17 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • password control corrections
  • Integration of the avif image type provided that it is in Php 8
  • Integration and automatic detection of OPcache Hosting
  • Integration of OPcache management
  • Correction and integration of the Captcha in case of reopening of a forum post
  • tarteaucitron Utf-8 encoding

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.16 to 6.00.17, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.

      Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again.

      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

(23/01/2024 16:30)

GuppY 6.00.16 release - by Papinou 14/12/2023 @ 17:23 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.16 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 128th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.16 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


    Ckeditor version 4.22.1 updated
    Modification of the Ckeditor iframe plugin to allow reading a pdf document
    Phpmailer version 6.8.1 updated
    TarteauCitron version 1.15 updated   
    Variable control
    Improvement in case of disconnection thanks to Hulky42 for the report
    Modification in Config/services ==> Site news selection either since the last connection or since a number of days,
    Photo/video gallery enhancement, deletion of photo and associated video,
    File script: warning when a file is deleted,(Marc_Gingold)
    Warning message in the event of deletion by CKEditor,
    Correction of the configuration to suppress unwanted display of the "Cookie management panel".

For ensure the continuity of your site's configuration, we have put the contents of patch 6.00.15 back into this patch 6.00.16.

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.15 to 6.00.16, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation, you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.

Please note that you must delete all cookies from your site in your usual browser and empty the cache, then reconnect and reconnect and save the RGPD declaration again.

      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY 6.00.16 release - by Papinou 14/12/2023 @ 17:23 

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.16 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 128th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.16 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


    Ckeditor version 4.22.1 updated
    Modification of the Ckeditor iframe plugin to allow reading a pdf document
    Phpmailer version 6.8.1 updated
    TarteauCitron version 1.15 updated   
    Variable control
    Improvement in case of disconnection thanks to Hulky42 for the report
    Modification in Config/services ==> Site news selection either since the last connection or since a number of days,
    Photo/video gallery enhancement, deletion of photo and associated video,
    File script: warning when a file is deleted,(Marc_Gingold)
    Warning message in the event of deletion by CKEditor,
    Correction of the configuration to suppress unwanted display of the "Cookie management panel".

For ensure the continuity of your site's configuration, we have put the contents of patch 6.00.15 back into this patch 6.00.16.

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.15 to 6.00.16, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation, you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.

Please note that you must delete all cookies from your site in your usual browser and empty the cache, then reconnect and reconnect and save the RGPD declaration again.

      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

(14/12/2023 17:23)

27/09/2024 02:03

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