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Modal window

You have at your disposal a jQuery script to display modal windows like the one you are reading.
The implementation is simple :
  • write the link :
    <a class="gypoplight" href="#?w=560&amp;rel=popup1&amp;btn=Close&amp;msk=msk=skins/skin5_guppy2015/">The link text</a>
    w=500 indicates the width of the window
    rel=popup1 popup1 is the name of the id of the div container
    btn=Close contains the text of the tooltips button closure

    msk=msk=skins/skin5_02/ indicates the skin directory for the button image
  • write the content in a layer with the appropriate classes :
    <div class="gypopup_block" id="popup1">  .... The content to display ... </div>
You can include any type of content, text and images.

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Migrer vers GuppY 5.02.XX - 27/04/2017 15:07 by GuppY_Team

The migration script is intended for websites running with version 4.6.x of GuppY.

The evolution of version 5 is so substantial that it was not possible to provide a migration from older versions .

If your website runs on an older version of GuppY, you will have to first migrate to 4.6.28 before doing it to 5.02.XX.


GuppY version 5.02.XX - 27/04/2017 15:06 by GuppY_Team

Welcome to GuppY 5.02.XX, the easy web portal without basic sql data.

GuppY 5.02.XX is a new development after the revolution of the release of 5, GuppY structure has been completely revised and modified to be "responsive design" and meet the "mobile-friendly" criteria.

The solution to a single site with a responsive web configuration for PCs and mobile configuration for other devices was selected, detecting the user-agent GuppY of the screen to display the corresponding version.

First news - 27/04/2017 15:04 by GuppY_Team

This new web site was made with GuppY release 5.02.XX 

Though already stuffed with many functions, The GuppY Team has added a download space to let you customise your site: GuppY Land.

GuppY Land is aimed at being a dependance of FreeguppY, where will be stored and exposed plugins, skins, add-ons and all graphical elements that could make your GuppY more attractive and help you to have it look the way you want to.

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