GuppY 5.02.09

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php.gifVersion 5.02.XX of GuppY has been stuffed with loads of new features and improvements to provide as many services as possible.

GuppY 5.02.XX can be installed on all hosters systems (or nearly). The only constraint is about your hoster providing service of script language PHP. GuppY will run under PHP 5.6 at the minimum.

No need to be a geek at HTML, or at configuration of MySQL databases, or PHP, because GuppY comes with a full-fledged  secured administration interface to manage design and contents of every particular section of your site.

GuppY offer the whole array of usual features in a modern web portal:

  - news
  - articles
  - blog
  - links directory
  - downloas section
  - photos slideshow
  - guest book
  - forum
  - FAQ
  - poll
  -  visits counter
  - clicks and download counters
  - newsletter
  - administration area
  - optional member area, private groups
  - url rewriting
  - ... and so much more.

GuppY brings an ORIGINAL management with big added value: besides being natively MULTILINGUAL, it allows you to set up a dual language display, so that your site is BILINGUAL- i.e you may choose to display your site in two languages, but Guppy will not do the translation job for you.

Creation date : 20/05/2019 11:12
Last update : 20/05/2019 11:12
Category : GuppY
Page read 97760 times

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