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Modal window

You have at your disposal a jQuery script to display modal windows like the one you are reading.
The implementation is simple :
  • write the link :
    <a class="gypoplight" href="#?w=560&amp;rel=popup1&amp;btn=Close&amp;msk=msk=skins/skin5_guppy2015/">The link text</a>
    w=500 indicates the width of the window
    rel=popup1 popup1 is the name of the id of the div container
    btn=Close contains the text of the tooltips button closure

    msk=msk=skins/skin5_02/ indicates the skin directory for the button image
  • write the content in a layer with the appropriate classes :
    <div class="gypopup_block" id="popup1">  .... The content to display ... </div>
You can include any type of content, text and images.

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Guppy Help Center will bring you to each item, answers, tips with screenshots for each step.

You can also find for each item online help by clicking on the "Question Mark" icon.
The most common issues are addressed in the FAQ.

CAREFULLY read the documentation before asking a question on the forums available on the website Guppy Guppy (

Choose the right forum to ask a question for version 5.01.XX must be posted on the v5 forum.
All technical questions should be exclusively on the forum.
This has the advantage that the entire user community Guppy enjoy your question and answers.

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