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Modal window

You have at your disposal a jQuery script to display modal windows like the one you are reading.
The implementation is simple :
  • write the link :
    <a class="gypoplight" href="#?w=560&amp;rel=popup1&amp;btn=Close&amp;msk=msk=skins/skin5_guppy2015/">The link text</a>
    w=500 indicates the width of the window
    rel=popup1 popup1 is the name of the id of the div container
    btn=Close contains the text of the tooltips button closure

    msk=msk=skins/skin5_02/ indicates the skin directory for the button image
  • write the content in a layer with the appropriate classes :
    <div class="gypopup_block" id="popup1">  .... The content to display ... </div>
You can include any type of content, text and images.

News of Friends


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Distinctive thanks to our friends:

- Saxbar who, since August 2011, has carried out the developement of version 5 with persistence and panache, keeping on the lookout innovating solutions !

- JeanMi for his invaluable help, his advice, the accurate solutions he comes up with due to his perfect knowledge of GuppY!

- Sabine for her skins and her excellent tutorial, Lavachequireve, JeandePeyrat et Papinou for the realisation of the help system and Corrector for proof-reading and translation!

Thank you to all members of the GuppY Team, all the beta-testers, among which BTSCPIfr, dipisoft, equitathome, Ludo, Phil-ogm, rvknobzh

We very plainly say than you, for this gorgeous version 5 made available to Guppy users.

Many thanks to all those who submit improvement ideas,Many thanks to all those who post comment or send  warm encouragements.

Creation date : 26/04/2017 17:35
Category : - GuppY community
Page read 95011 times

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